laki laki baik hati bahasa Inggris
- laki: married man; hands; manpower; workforce; husband;
- laki: married man; hands; manpower; workforce; husband;
- baik: all right; at the best; be not well; decency;
- baik hati: amiable; benevolent; big hearted; good at heart;
- hati: heart; liver; the heart of; centre; mind; sum;
- baik laki-laki maupun perempuan: him; it; her; hers; he; she; his
- laki: married man; hands; manpower; workforce; husband; labour force; men; labor force; hubby
- laki-laki: men; man; bloke; masculine; fella; mankind; human race; cuss; boy; feller; humanity; gent; human beings; world; lad; humankind; fellow; chap; humans; male; blighter
- adik laki-laki: younger brother; kid brother; little brother; baby brother; brother
- adik laki-laki bungsu: youngest brother
- alat kelamin laki-laki: pecker; prick; penis
- anak angkat laki-laki: adopted son; foster son
- anak laki-laki: boy; lad; son; youngster; kid; common rudd; girl; callant; child; sonny; swain; nephew; sonny jim
- anak laki-laki baptis: godson
- anak laki-laki nakal: corner boy